2011年5月4日 星期三

Yih-Fen Hua CV

 Yih-Fen Hua CV

Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University

Address: Department of History, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, TAIWAN


Ph. D
Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Germany.
Ph. D. dissertation: Yih-Fen Wang-Hua, “Rilievo” in Malerei und Bildhauerkunst der Frühneuzeit, Universität zu Köln, 1999.
Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Germany
MA Thesis: Ghiberti und das all’antica-Problem: Studien zu den Reliefs am Taufbrunnen im Baptisterium zu Siena, Universität zu Köln, 1997.
Department of History, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1987.

Honors and Awards:

Outstanding Teacher Award, National Taiwan University, 2011, 2012.

MERIT Award (Cultivation Program of Distinguished Scholars), National Science Council, Taiwan, 2008-2011.

Outstanding Research Award, National Yang-Ming University, 2007-2009.

Research Interests

Italian Medieval and Renaissance Art and Culture
German and netherlandish Art and Cultural History,1300-1700
Early Modern Religious History 
Jacob Burckhardt Studies and 19th-century German intellectual history

Yih-Fen Hua is an art historian and cultural historian with a special interest in European visual culture between 1300 and 1700; besides, she is a specialist in Jacob Burckhardt studies. She is the author of the exhibition catalogue Art and Religion—Italian Painting from the Golden Age of 14th through 17th Centuries (Taipei 2006), which encompasses the collections from Musei Vaticani, Pinacoteca di Siena, Museo Diocesano Milano and other museums from Italy. In 2007 she published her translation of Jacob Burckhardt’s Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien with annotations, commentaries and a critical introduction (National Translation Project launched by National Science Council Taiwan, vol. 24, revised edition Jan. 2013). This book is the first Chinese translation from Burckhardt’s original German version in Chinese-speaking world. In 2008 she published a monograph Rembrandt and the Bible—art and religion in the Dutch Golden AgeHer current research focuses on three main areas: (1) ecumenical interpretation of the interrelationships between Italian Renaissance and the Reformation; (2) the communication network of the European observant orders as well as brotherhoods/ sisterhoods in the 14th- 17th centuries concerning their connections with the local civic society and various courts; (3) gender studies in terms of early modern religious art and culture.

Recent Publications
A.   Books:
1.   Rembrandt and the Bible—art and religion in the Dutch Golden Age. Taipei: San-Min Book Co. Ltd., 2008. (in Chinese).

2.   Jacob Burckhardt. Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien, translated and annotated by Yih-Fen Hua (with a critical introduction), Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, first edition 2007, revised edition 2013 (National Translation Project launched by National Science Council Taiwan, vol. 24). (in Chinese).

3.   Art and Religion—Italian Painting from the Golden Age of 14 through 17 Centuries (exhibition catalogue: Taipei 2006.12-2007.3). Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University, 2006. (in Chinese).

B.   Selected Articles:

1. Yih-Fen Hua. Book  Review of Maria Effinger / Cornelia Logemann / Ulrich Pfisterer (eds),  Götterbilder und Götzendiener in der Frühen Neuzeit. Europas Blick auf fremde Religionen. In: sehepunkte 13 (2013), Nr. 5 [15.05.2013], URL: http://www.sehepunkte.de/2013/05/21410.html. (Book review in English,  Featured Article of this Issue’s Forum).

2. Yih-Fen Hua. "Melanchthon's Biography of Luther: Early Modern Religious History and Historiography," New History 23, 3 (2012), pp. 91-149. (in Chinese).

3. Yih-Fen Hua. “Jacob Burckhardt and the Studies of the Medieval Urban History—Conrad von Hochstaden, Erzbischof von Kölln as a case study,” Historical Inquiry 46 (December 2010), pp. 115-175. (in Chinese).

4.  Yih-Fen Hua. “Jacob Burckhardt’s Reflections on Individualism and Secularism in his Erinnerungen aus Rubens,” Historical Inquiry 45 (June 2010), pp. 155-219. (in Chinese).

5.  Yih-Fen Hua. “The Making of Lutheran Cultural Politics in Light of the Controversy over Religious Imagery: A Case Study of the Reception of the Protestant Reformation in Nürnberg,” NTU Humanitas Taiwanica 70 (2009), pp. 179-229. (in Chinese).

6. Yih-Fen Hua. “The Imagery of St. Martha in Light of the Female Religious Movement of the Beguines.” New History 19,3 (September 2008). (in Chinese).

7.  Yih-Fen Hua. “Visual perception, religious experience, and gender differences in communication—a case study of German pictorial depictions of the blood of Jesus in the era of the Reformation.” Journal of Cultural Resources 3 (2007): 1-37. (in Chinese).

8. Yih-Fen Hua. “A book written for the hometown: Critical Introduction to Jacob Burckhardt’s Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien. ” In Jacob Burckhardt, Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien, translated and annotated by Yih-Fen Hua (Taipei: Linking Publishing Company: 2007), pp. (23)-(111). (in Chinese).

9. Yih-Fen Hua. “Hagiological Healing: The Pictorial Imagery of the Cult of St. Anthony and St. Sebastian in Western Art.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 14 (2006): 3-26. (in Chinese).

10. Yih-Fen Hua. “Cultural Yearning in Harmony with National Identity—Observation on Italia and Germania by the Nazarene Artist J. Friedrich Overbeck,” Art and Identity, ed. Shai-Shu Tzeng, (Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc., 2006), 85-111. (in Chinese).

11. Yih-Fen Hua. “Vasari’s Conception of the History of Sculpture in Giotto’s Age: Vasari’s Biographies of Nicola and Giovanni Pisani,” New History, 15, 2 (2004): 1-54. (in Chinese).

12. Yih-Fen Hua. "Vasari on 'Rilievo Schiacciato' --Some Reflections in the Light of Donatello's Reliefs". Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology (BIHP), 71,4 (Dec. 2000): 745-805. (in Chinese)

